We are passionate about giving back to the land we grow our wondrous hemp crops on and hope we can strive towards making sustainably conscious decisions. Innovation in this sector is constantly transforming and we are committed to evolving our business in a way that lessens our impact on nature's land surrounding us.
We have chosen to focus on hemp in our journey because of the phenomenal benefits it carries for our environment, health and wellbeing. The fact that it is one of nature's most sustainable sources of food allows us to protect and nourish our land. With more than 25,000 different uses no part of our incredible, Australian grown hemp plants go to waste.
Packaging - Outer: Our hemp snack bar boxes are all made from recycled card, so go on keep it going, recycle them again!
Packaging - Inner: To preserve the health benefits of our highly nutritious hemp bars we currently choose to pack them in foil. In the background we are trialling biodegradable packaging for our bars and pouches. When we are comfortable they provide the same level of quality, we look forward to making the switch.